Sodium humate big flakes Particle size 3-5mm

40% Sodium Humate is made from lower content leonardite. But has higher viscosity than normal sodium humate, which make it has bigger flakes size. As it’s low cost product, mostly…

Fulvic Acid Flake

This product is a kind of sodium humate feed additive,it’s humic acids sodium salt obtained after humic acid react with NaOH, which is soluble in water. Have shiny flake, shiny crystal…

70% Sodium humate is refined from leonardite or lignite which contains low calcium and low magnesium, rich in hydroxyl, quinone, carboxyl and other active groups. Physical properties:…

Sodium fulvate flake is made from high activity lignite or brown coal. Has high resistance to hard water, anti-flocculation ability. It’s mainly used for animal feeding and aquaculture….


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