1. Definition of humic acid fertilizer

Refers to using peat, lignite and weathered coal as raw materials and adopting different production methods to produce products. Which containing a large amount of humic acid and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace elements needed for the growth and development of crops. Humic acid fertilizer varieties have ammonium humate, nitro humic acid, humic acid phosphorus, sodium humate, potassium humate and so on. Humic acid fertilizer in agricultural production, mainly stimulate crop growth. Improve soil.  Increase nutrients  Strengthen soil microbial activities.

2. Application method and dosageApplication method of humic acid fertilizer.

  • (1)Seed immersion.  Seed immersion can improve the germination rate of seeds, early emergence of seedlings, enhance the ability of seedling roots. Generally, the soaking concentration is 0.005% — 0.05%. The soaking time is 5-10 hours.  And the hard shell seeds such as rice and cotton are 24 hours.
  • (2)Soaking the roots, dipping the root rice, the sweet potato and the like, to soak the seedlings by using the potassium humate solution before transplanting. And the concentration is 0.01% to 0.05%. After the seed soaking, the hairy root is fast, and the survival rate is high.
  • (3)The general concentration of root spray is 0.01% — 0.05% solution. And the spray amount is 50 liters of water solution per time per 667 square meters in the flowering period of crops for 2-3 times. The spraying time should be from 2 to 4 p.m. And the effect is good.
  • (4)Make base fertilizer solid humic acid fertilizer.  General every 667 square meters dosage 100-150 kilograms. When humic acid solution is applied as base fertilizer.  The concentration is 0.05% — 0.1%.  And 250 — 400 liters of water solution is used per 667 square meters. Which can be mixed with farm fertilizers for application, furrow fertilzation or hole fertilization.
  • (5)Apply topdressing fertilizer at the seedling stage and heading stage of crops. Apply 0.01-0.1% concentration of aqueous solution of about 250 liters per 667 square meters to irrigate near the root system of crops. Paddy fields can be applied with irrigation or splashed on the water surface.  Which can play a role in raising seedlings.  Strengthening seedlings and promoting growth and development.

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