Research data shows that sodium humate in poultry is an active substance that has no toxic side effects on animals, resists diseases, and adjusts the immune function of the body. It has the function of improving the physiological function of animals and promoting the growth and development of organ cells. In order to take advantage of the characteristics of sodium humate feed additives and develop poultry breeding, JINGFENG HUMIC ACID researchers selected the sodium humate feed additives developed by the company to conduct chicken feed additives experiments. The effect experiments of sodium humate feed additives on chicken feed by JINGFENG HUMIC ACID researchers are introduced as follows.

Preliminary study on the effect of sodium humate in poultry (chicken feed)

1 Test method
1.1 Test object

A good breed of Aiweiyin broiler was selected for the experiment. The chicks (under three weeks of age) were added with 0.01g of sodium humate feed additive per day to prepare an aqueous solution for food and drink. Adult chickens (4-7 weeks old) are fed with sodium humate feed additive dissolved in water and mixed with local high-quality synthetic feed according to test standards.

Effect test of sodium humate feed additive on chicken feed

1.2 Experimental design

According to the different dosages of sodium humate feed additives, 6 experimental groups were set up. The first 5 groups were the experimental groups, and the sixth group was the control group. Each group had 20 chickens and a total of 120 chickens. The specific groups and the additive dosages are shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Group number Items Additive dosages(g/d)
The first group Sodium humate feed additives 0.02
The second group Sodium humate feed additives 0.04
The third group Sodium humate feed additives 0.06
The fourth gourp Sodium humate feed additives 0.08
The fifth group Sodium humate feed additives 0.1
The sixth group
1.3 Feed management

The experiment was carried out indoors, each group was separated by wooden boards, and they were individually caged without interfering with each other. They were fed twice a day with free drinking water. The group number of the chicks participating in the experiment shall be individually weighed and registered in a register, weighing once every 10 days, and recorded in the register until the end of the experiment and weighed 4 times in total. 

2 Test results

Feeding for 45 days in this experiment, the chicks have grown up, and the growth of the chickens in each group is different when they are released, and they all show certain differences. Among them, the third group has significant differences with a net weight gain of 5kg compared with the control group, and a weight gain rate of 12.5%. , See Table 2.

Table 2
Experimental group number Number of Chickens(numbers) Gain weight(kg) Weight gain rate(%)
The first group 20 1.3 3.25
The second group 20 2.6 6.50
The third group 20 5 12.50
The fourth group 20 1.6 4.00
The fifth group 20 1.3 3.25
The sixth group 20
3 Conclusion

(1) It can be seen from the test results: The total weight of the third group is 45kg, the total weight of the control group is 40kg, and the weight gain is 5kg, which is an increase of 12.5%. Each chicken gains 0.25kg. The weight gain is 30kg based on the 120 chickens participating in the test. At that time, the market price of RMB 9.5 was calculated to increase revenue by 9.5X30= RMB 285 .

(2) The chicks in the test group are well-developed, the mature chicken combs are rosy, the coat color is bright, the feathers are plump and beautiful, the appetite is increased and the spirit is strong.

(3) Feeding chickens with sodium humate feed additives has a good anti-fowl disease effect. According to experimental observations, there is no case of fowls in chicken flocks that use this feed, and it has a significant effect of eliminating fecal odor, which can improve the environmental sanitation of the chicken house. Therefore, feeding chickens with sodium humate feed additive provides convenient conditions for chicken farmers with poor epidemic prevention conditions.

In summary, the sodium humate in poultry has many advantages such as enhancing the immunity of chickens, non-toxic and side effects, improving the environment of the chicken house, and increasing economic benefits. It is a high-quality chicken feed additive worthy of promotion.

PS: The above test uses the high-quality sodium humate feed additive developed by JINGFENG HUMIC ACID Technology. If you need to purchase or consult for further details, you can consult JINGFENG HUMIC ACID Professional Product Consultant Email, or click the link below for online consultation buy:

Click here to buy→EU CERES certified sodium humate feed additive

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