Leonardite potassium humate is a mixture of natural organic macromolecular compounds, which is widely present in nature. Because of its unique physiological functions, it has been widely used in agricultural production in recent years.

In addition to improving soil, improving fertilizer efficiency, and promoting crop growth. Its role in plant stress resistance has also attracted more and more attention.

How does leonardite potassium humate improve the plants stress resistance?

What is plant stress resistance?

Plants live in the natural environment and will inevitably be harmed by the harsh environment. Usually we divide the environmental damage to plants into the following categories:

  1. Biological
  2. Physical
  3. Chemistry
  4. Temperature
  5. Diseases, pests, weeds
  6. Rain, snow, hail, mechanical damage, flood, drought
  7. Side effects of herbicides and fertilizers, phytotoxicity, soil acidification, compaction, salinization
  8. High temperature, low temperature

When these conditions occur, plants will produce a series of changes. For example, drought will cause leaves and tender stems to wilt. Flooding will cause leaves to yellow and dry, the roots will become brown even rot. Leaves will become brown, dead spots,even bark cracks appear under high temperature. Pathogenic bacteria infect leaves and appear disease spots.

It can affect the growth and development, yield and quality of plants, and even directly cause its death in severe cases.

How does leonardite potassium humate improve the plants stress resistance?

Unlike humans and animals, plants cannot escape no matter what danger they encounter. Since they can’t run away, plants can only improve their ability to resist damage. This is the origin of plant resistance.

For example, under drought conditions, plants maintain water balance by controlling the opening and closing of the stomata of leaves. Under the environmental stress of high salinity, by improving the permeability of the cell membrane, it prevents a large amount of salt solution from entering the plant body.

Even when suffering from pests and diseases, some plants can produce chemical substances to resist, or attract natural enemies of pests and diseases to destroy them.

Generally speaking, the stress resistance of plants is relatively small in the peak growth period, and after entering dormancy, the stress resistance increases; the stress resistance during the vegetative growth period is stronger, and the stress resistance during the flowering period is weak. But the damage is beyond its tolerance, and the plant cannot escape bad luck.

We can’t change whether the environment harms plants, but if we can improve the plant’s own stress resistance, it will be a good way. Leonardite potassium humate is the product which have this function.

The effect of leonardite potassium humate on improving plant resistance

Drought stress

Under drought conditions, the application of leonardite potassium humate can increase the proline content of plant leaves, promote the water-holding capacity of cells, and increase the activity of plant cell protective enzymes (Nitrate reductase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, etc.) and reduce the permeability of cell plasma membranes to comprehensively improve the drought resistance of crops.

Saline-alkali stress

Humic acid in leonardite potassium humate can indirectly improve the stress tolerance and resistance of plants by improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil.

In addition, humic acid can also improve its salt resistance by regulating the change of fructose concentration to alleviate the damage of the plasmolemma under salt stress.

Temperature stress

Under low temperature stress, humic acid can enhance the activity of polyphenol oxidase by increasing the proline content and abscisic acid content of crops.

And it can weaken the reduction degree of transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate of plants after low temperature stress to improve their cold resistance.

How does leonardite potassium humate improve the plants stress resistance?

Humic acid also performs well under high temperature stress. The activities of crop superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, etc. are improved, which reduces the rate of superoxide anion production and the content of hydrogen peroxide, and enhances the heat resistance of crops.

Heavy metal stress

Soluble Humic acid in leonardite potassium humate contains a variety of functional groups, which can fix heavy metals on the surface of soil particles through complexation, chelation, and reduction, thereby affecting their migration and reducing the water-soluble state of heavy metals and reducing their toxicity.

At the same time, humic acid can also alleviate the toxic effect of heavy metal cadmium on seedlings. The main mechanism is to inhibit its absorption of cadmium and promote its absorption and accumulation of nutrients such as copper, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Plant disease resistance

Humic acid can promote growth by increasing the sugar content and chlorophyll content of leaves, which indirectly improves the disease resistance of crops.

At the same time, studies have shown that leonardite potassium humate can inhibit the germination of downy mildew sporangia. And compounding with other pesticides can significantly reduce the occurrence of downy mildew. At the same time, humic acids can also enhance the control effect on root knot nematodes.

How does humic acid improve the plants stress resistance?

Humic acid is widely used in pesticide additives due to its special structure and function, and it has also proved that humic acid has a good effect on plant disease resistance.

Humic acid is an important part of organic matter.It has the following functions:

  1. It can reduce the application of chemical fertilizers.
  2. Improve the efficiency of nutrient utilization, partially replace biosynthetic plant growth regulators.
  3. Improve the quality of fruits and vegetables.
  4. Increase plant resistance to stress, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, and promote early plant growth and flowering.

Its function is very powerful, it should be widely used.

Whether in summer or winter, crops are suffering from the natural environment, pests and diseases. Good use of humic acid will be of great benefit to the growth of crops.

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