Spraying potassium fulvic acid (Other name: potassium fulvate, potassium humate) fertilizer 3000-5000 times during the full-bloom period, all improved the fruit setting rate of YUANSHUAI, LUAO,JINGUAN apples and pears to varying degrees. The effect diminishes as the concentration decreases.

Spraying potassium fulvic acid (Other name: potassium fulvate, potassium humate) 3000-5000 times during the full-bloom period, all improved the fruit setting rate of YUANSHUAI, LUAO,JINGUAN apples and pears to varying degrees. The effect diminishes as the concentration decreases.

Potassium fulvic acid fertilizer is a hormone-like substance with high biological activity. The substance has significant effects in improving crop and vegetable yield, quality, disease resistance and other aspects.

In this experiment, it was used to improve the fruit setting rate of apples and pears. It is a new method to solve the low fruit setting rate of some apples and pears.

1. Test materials and methods

The experiment will be carried out in Qinglong County and Funing County, Hebei Province from 2020 to 2021. The potassium fulvic acid fertilizer used is black flake produced by Jingfeng Humic Acid Factory. Containing 50% humic acid, 50% fulvic acid, and 12% potassium oxide.

The selected test material is the normal-growing big tree in full fruit period. In the same set of experiments, the tree vigor, crown size and ecological conditions were consistent. And the coefficient of variation of the branch and flower load was all under 8%.

Fulvic acid potassium concentration experiment.

    • A. Using split plant plots, random arrangement, 3-5 repetitions.
    • B. The treatment on apples is spraying 5000, 2500, 1000, 500 times solution and water control during full blooming period.
    • C. The five treatments applied on pears at the full blooming stage were 2000, 1500, 1000, 500 times liquid and clear water control.
    • D. The application time test of potassium fulvate used a single plant plot and repeated 3 times.
    • E. The treatment is the control when spraying 2000 times liquid in the balloon period and spraying clear water (full bloom period).
    • F. The fruit setting rate survey was conducted after the physiological fruit dropping, and the survey data was analyzed by variance analysis.

2. Results and analysis

  • The effect of potassium fulvic acid fertilizer on the fruit setting rate of apple

Spraying potassium fulvic acid (Other name: potassium fulvate, potassium humate) 3000-5000 times during the full-bloom period, all improved the fruit setting rate of YUANSHUAI, LUAO,JINGUAN apples and pears to varying degrees. The effect diminishes as the concentration decreases.

Table 1

ITERM Fruit setting rate of flowers Fruit setting rate of inflorescence
500 times 4.97% 21.6%
1000 times 7.34% 32.22%
2500 times 8.03% 33.75%
5000 times 6.85% 31.25%
Compare 4.43% 18.7%

Table 1 shows that spraying 500~5000 times solution of potassium fulvate in full bloom period can extremely significantly improve the fruit setting rate of Marshal apple.

Among them, the effect of 2500 times solution is the best, and 500 times solution is not significant level. The experiment rules in the two places are basically the same.

  • Influence rate of potassium fulvic acid on fruit setting rate of LUJI apple.


Iterm Fruit setting rate of flowers
500 times 37.4%
1000 times 48.4%
2500 times 33.2%
5000 times 32.3%
Compare 25.2%

It can be seen from Table 2 that 500-5000 times of potassium humate treatment significantly improved the inflorescence fruit setting rate of LUAO apples.

Among them, 500-1000 times solution has the best effect. The effect of 1000 times liquid on the fruit setting rate of LUAO varieties was significantly higher than that of 500 times liquid treatment.

  • The effect of different spraying periods of potassium fulvic acid fertilizer


Iterm Fruit setting rate of inflorescence Fruit setting rate of flowers
 2000 times 25.2% 5.8%
2000 times 52.4 1% 13.4%
Compare 25.6% 5.74%

Spraying potassium fulvic acid (Other name: potassium fulvate, potassium humate) 3000-5000 times during the full-bloom period, all improved the fruit setting rate of YUANSHUAI, LUAO,JINGUAN apples and pears to varying degrees. The effect diminishes as the concentration decreases.

Potassium fulvic acid using on increasing the fruit rate and fruit rate of apple, table 3 shows that, the effect of spraying in the full blooming period is significant, but the balloon period is not effective.

  • The effect of potassium humate on the fruit setting rate of Pear

1. The effect of potassium fulvic acid on the inflorescence fruit setting rate of An Pear
It can be seen from Table 4 that the results of test in Qinglong and Funing are the same.

Comparing 500 times liquid, 1000 times liquid and clear water control, the results of the two places have reached a very significant level.

Among them, the effect of 500 times liquid is as the best.

2. The effect of potassium fulvate on the flowers fruit setting rate of An pear
Table 5 shows that the test results in the two places in Funing County are consistent.

The 500-fold and 1000-fold liquids have improved the flowers fruit setting of An pear to a significant level.

The 50-fold liquid treatment of Qingshankou reached a very significant level.

3. Summary

Spraying potassium fulvic acid fertilizer in the full bloom period can increase the fruit setting rate of apples. But the treatment response of different varieties is not very consistent.

The YUANSHUAI apple requires a lower concentration. The 2500 times solution is the best, while the high concentration 500 times solution has the not obvious effect.

AOLU apples require a higher concentration, with 1000 times solution being the best, 500 times solution second, and 2500 times solution effect has reached a significant level of difference.


ITERM Fruit setting rate of flowers in QINGLONG county #1 Fruit setting rate of flowers in FUNING county #1
500 times1000 times

1500 times

2000 times











ITERM Fruit setting rate of flowers in QINGLONG county #1 Fruit setting rate of flowers in FUNING county #2
500 times 8.15% 24.67%
1000 times 7.90% 13.82%
1500 times 5.10% 12.67%
2000 times 6.35% 11.67%
Compare 4.18% 5.63%

The effect of spraying potassium fulvic acid during the full blooming period of Anli to increase the fruit setting rate is not exactly same as that of apples.

Tests in different years and different regions have shown that the best effect is with 500 times solution.

Compared with the control, the 1000 times solution also reached a significant level, and its effect decreased as the concentration decreased.

On JINGUAN apples, the results of applying potassium fulvic acid in different periods showed that, the effect of spraying in the full bloom period was the best, while the balloon period was not effective.

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